Monday, April 6, 2020

Spring with COVID-19

We were able to get in the first meeting of March. We had a Mother-in-Law Wisdom Panel. We had 3 amazing mother-in-laws come to give us their words of wisdom on how to be a good daughter in law and a glimpse into the world from their perspective. It was so nice to gain some insight and have them take their time with us. I have been calling my MIL a lot more since the meeting!
And then COVID-19 took over and we've had to stay at home. No meetings, play dates or girls nights. We've had to get creative on how to stay sane and in touch. Our next meeting in March was supposed to be on Cheap and Healthy Eating. The speaker canceled, but Kate taught us how to Zoom and we traded tips on how to eat healthy and inexpensively. She also told us about the Facebook Group, Families Surviving Corona Virus Together for tips on things to do at home with kids.
We've had two fun girls nights, put together by the amazing, Kate. We watched a movie together in a Netflix Party. It was neat; we could watch and then chat on the side. It reminded me of AOL IM. Ha! We also played a game using an app called Psych! We had to try to "psych" each other out by making up movie descriptions and words. It was neat. We will have another Netflix Party soon!

For our first April meeting, Meghan did a fabulous Facebook Live on home organization. We are lucky to have this professional speaker right here in our group! Since we are all home and staring at our messy houses- this was an especially useful meeting for me. I started going through kids clothes right after the meeting! We are trying to stay connected as much as possible. Sometimes, all the technology can be too much! Let us know if we can do anything for you. 
Remember, "If Mama 'Aint Happy, 'Aint Nobody Happy!"
Congratulations to Christina, on baby Jaeger! We will set up a meal schedule hopefully this summer when COVID-19 is not as intense. We hope everyone is staying healthy and sane!

Together with Friends

Our first meeting in February, we took over the St. Matt's kitchen and did meal prep. We each went home with freezer meal bags of chicken fajitas, meatloaf, sweet and sour meatballs, honey Dijon chicken and sausage and peppers. We chatted, traded tips and made a weeks worth of dinners for our families. We did extras for working moms and moms with sick kids. MOPS International even reposted our Instagram post! Becky has been making that happen a lot for us, lately!

We did a Relationship Challenge on social media to celebrate Valentine's Day. 

For our second meeting of the month, we had Barbara Handzel, a marriage building leader from Resurrection talk about marriage and gave some words of wisdom. She also passed out some neat bookmarks and hand outs.

We had a few fun girls nights this month. We went to ladies night at Fired Up (Kate's awesome photography skills!) and a few of us did a One Vibe dance class. It's neat getting to know everyone without kids climbing on us!

We've also stepped it up with the play dates, I think. We started making Valentine's for the nursing home and then went to deliver them on Valentine's Day. That rolled into a weekly Monday afternoon play date- rotating houses: Anne, Kate, Meghan and Lucy. A group went on the St. John's Riverkeeper tour. We started a Best Lent Ever weekly walk & talk. Then there's lots of last minute park meet ups or other fun things people post about as they decide to do them and invite friends. The Facebook group is action packed. Take Over Tuesdays are happening on Instagram, too. Come join in all the fun!