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Showing posts from January, 2020

A New Year

It's a new year, mamas! We've got this! Sometimes it's hard to tell what day it is, let alone which year. But here we are, standing together! Our first meeting of the year was on school choice. This is a family decision, of course. We're just here to help with the discernment process. We had Carol Yazdiya talk about private school. Beth Rasch talked about public school. Anna McCormick talked about home schooling. I think it was an awesome wisdom panel. These three women are amazing mothers, wives and people! They had so much helpful information to share! School Choice Wisdom Panel We're having lots of play date fun! Walking, story time and parks! The girls night with Rethreaded was postponed. We have one coming up early next month. Come hang out with us! Be thinking of what leadership role you'd like to do for the fall!

Christmas Time

We only had one official meeting in December. Vanessa Holland gave some great photography tips. See the handouts below: We went caroling at the Cross Care nursing home twice. We had lots of play dates at parks, the indoor playground, zoo, MOSH and riding the skyway to the library. Throw ideas out on Facebook and Instagram if you aren't seeing something you like.  Caroling at Cross Care Round II of caroling with the big kids out of school Train exhibit at MOSH Stopping for a pic at Hemming Plaza after riding the skyway. Headed to the library! The Creative Grain girls night was canceled because we couldn't get enough people. Instead, a group went to La Nap for dinner. Do you have any girls night ideas? Let us know! On the 4th day of Christmas we had the MOPS & POPS Christmas party. My husband was excited to meet some of the other guys. We stayed up late laughing and chatting! Christmas Party