You guys! Let's Decide to Rise! Check out this year's theme video here. It's going to be good! We've had some fun play dates- the beach, Reddie Point Preserve and the zoo.
We've had some fun girls nights- in the pool and watching Mulan.
Our first meeting was successful. We are in need of nursery workers, so if anyone knows of anyone who would like to come and help with babies for a few hours, please reach out! We talked about what kinds of meetings topics we'd like to hear.

For our second meeting we did meal prep. We made 5 different freezer meals.
Be sure to take advantage of MOPS International. The perks of that membership are really great right now during a pandemic. They started doing Facebook Live meetings every Tuesday. Take a look here. I love the Tuesday texts.
We have lots of fun coming up this fall. Come have fun with us!